Monday, 13 February 2012

Etisalat Blackberry Service, how to Activate the Etisalat Complete and Social plans for Blackberry Internet Browsing.



  1. Etisalat Blackberry services offer world-class Blackberry service to new and existing subscribers of etisalat Nigeria. Etisalat Nigeria now offers new Etisalat Blackberry packages tagged: etisalat BB Social and etisalat BB Complete in addition to existing Etisalat Blackberry internet service (BIS) and BES.

    Below are the subscription codes of the Etisalat Blackberry plans :

    Etisalat BB Complete

    ==> dial *499*3*2# for #100/day (daily plan)
    ==> dial *499*3*1# for #500/week (weekly plan)
    ==> dial *499*3# for #1,500/month (monthly plan)

    Etisalat BB Social

    ==> dial *499*2*2# for #100/day (daily plan)
    ==> dial *499*2*1# for #400/week (weekly plan)
    ==> dial *499*2# for #1300/month (monthly plan)

    Ensure you have sufficient airtime before dialing the subscription codes for the Etisalat blackberry plan you want to subscribe to.

    Features of Etisalat BB Complete Plan

    ==> Blackberry Messenger (BBM),
    ==> Internet browsing, One web-based email (yahoo,gmail,MSN),
    ==> Blackberry email,
    ==> Social Networks,
    ==> Instant Messaging &
    ==> Blackberry App world.

    Features of Etisalat BB Social Plan

    ==> BBM,
    ==> Internet browsing,
    ==> 1 Blackberry email,
    ==> Social Network &
    ==> Blackberry App world.
    ==> No web based mail & No instant messaging

    Differences between Etisalat Complete plan and Etisalat Social plan

    ==> No web based mail and No instant messaging if you subscribe to Etisalat BB Social

    How To Deactivate Etisalat Blackberry Plan

    To deactivate any of your plans, dial *399*2# from your Blackberry device and wait for the confirmation of your status.

    Blackberry Etisalat activation is now as cheap as N1, 300 per month as at the time of publishing this post.

    I hope this helps....

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