Thursday, 1 September 2011


I believe you have been hearing of Adsense,

1 comment:

  1. I believe you have been hearing
    of Adsense, in my previous post i
    shared to you a bit history about
    Google Adsense and the
    meaning of Adsense, click here
    to read that now before
    proceeding. In this post, i have
    detailed it very well on how to
    create a free Google adsense
    How to get started:
    First of all, you need a NEW
    GMAIL account which you have
    not used to apply for Google
    You can create a new account at
    After creating a GMAIL account,
    you have to create a website of
    your own which you can create
    at blogger, wordpress, etc.
    I will recommend blogger(blog)
    for you because that is the one
    majority of people are using, am
    also using it. It is very easy
    to operate. In one of my
    previous post, i shared to you on
    what is blog and how to create
    your own blog, read to know
    more before proceeding. As at
    the time of publishing this post,
    you can apply for the Google
    Adsense program with any
    website or your free blogger
    blog and get approved in as
    much as you abide by the rules.
    After creating your blog at
    blogger, put in reasonable
    amount and quality contents on
    it. The quality and quantity of
    your blog/website content
    determine your Google approval
    and earnings. Once your blog/
    website meet up google adsense
    requirement, login to or
    apply via the "Monetize" tab in
    your blogger dashboard, click on
    sign up, fill the application for
    the adsense by following the
    instructions. Make sure you use
    your true identity, not fake
    Once your application is
    approved, they will open an
    account for you where you can
    create your Google Ad, view
    your earnings and request for
    your earnings when it reached
    the amount you can withdraw.
    1. Dont apply with Site under
    2. Dont apply with Site that
    doesn’t comply with there policy.
    3. Your blog/website must have
    enough traffic.
    4. Your blog/website must have
    enough pages.
    5. Use GMAIL to sign up for
    Adsense account and be sure it
    has not been used to sign up for
    Adsense before.
    6. Make sure you do not have an
    approved Adsense account
    7. Try to publish up to 10 blog
    posts that correlated with your
    blog title and description.
    8. If your application is
    approved, then you can start to
    put the adsense code in your
    9. Make sure you keep updating
    and promoting your blog always.
    10. In a situation were your
    application is not approved,
    check your mail and read
    carefully why your application is
    not approved, please pay
    attention to the reason why your
    blog got rejected. Correct all the
    mistakes and "Re-Apply" again.
    Click here to
    Adsense applications status.
    That's all.
    I hope it works for you.
    Kindly use the share buttons,
    Like and send button to share
    and send this post to your
    friend. They will surely
    appreciate it.
    In my future posts:
    - I will share with you different
    ways to apply for Adsense
    account and get approved,
    - I will also share with you, steps
    to take or the next thing to do
    once your application is
    approved, e.g how to
    generate your Google Ads, how
    to place the ads in your blog, the
    rules in placing ads by google,
    how to get high paying ads and
    many more things you need to
    know about Google Adsense.
    So, SUBSCRIBE to this blog now
    if you don't want to miss them,
    even if I post them here, when
    you are not online.
